Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Blessing in Disguise?

I am trying really hard not to complain about gas prices. I know it's an easy conversation starter with the neighbor at the mailbox, but I will still try to refrain. Regardless of the many reasons that gas prices keep rising and the hype that is going on all over with this rising, I can't help but wonder if this is a weird blessing in disguise. I can not speak for every single American, but I know that we as a society (myself included) consume way way way more than other countries. Maybe it is good for us to have to all stop and look at how many needless trips we make into town or how often we hop in our cars (or hummers) without thinking about how much we are wasting. The price of gas around the world is in general much more expensive than it is for us... and what do people do?? Take public transportation, walk, bike etc (which may also help with our country's obesity crisis). We definitely will not be taking as many spur of the moment road trips this summer,but maybe we will have more time to explore our "own backyard." I am not saying this is all hunky dory with me and that it is not inconvenient at all, but I think that it is definitely a good time to reflect on our lifestyles. If you want to reflect with me, give me a call or come hang out at the fountains downtown if you live here, because this will be a nice "chillin like a villain" sort of summer for the most part.


adrienne said...

I agree with you! I get a little sick of people complaining or e-mailing me petitions and all that, because it doesn't do any good. It's one of those things that everyone wants to blame on someone, but it's just kind of the way things are. Gas is more expensive in Canada. We try to conserve as much as we can. Our van costs over $80 to fill, which is painful, but we have to have a van and there's not much I can do about it. So we do what we can, like not making multiple trips for various things and also driving our car when we don't have the kids with us. Most people just don't want to change their lifestyles. It is certainly frustrating to pay so much but there's no point in complaining.

Margaret said...

It's about time we stopped relying on other countries for our oil supply, especially countries that hate us....
anyway, I've learned my lesson, can the gas go back to normal now?

adrienne said...

I wanted to make a correction... it now costs over $100 to fill our van!!!! Insane.
Oh, and Margaret, we don't hate you in Canada and we give you all a lot of oil! And we still have to pay an arm and leg for gas!

Elisa Street said...

When I arrived in Peru a year ago, gas cost twice as much as it did in the USA, approximately 15 nuevos soles or about $5 per gallon. This is a third world country where the majority of the population is poor or extremely poor. That's why you see a mom and dad on motorcycle with their toddler child in between them and of course none of them wearing helmets... SURVIVAL... something none of us would even dream of doing with (or without) our children.
Or what about the taxi driver who rents the car he drives for 30 soles a day, has to fill it with up the tank costing about 100-150 soles, drives it all day through the polluted city, and after covering his overhead maybe makes 70 soles $23.
In the USA we have been extremely spoiled and oblivious to how the rest of the world lives (that's a huge generalization so don't be offended).

Elisa Street said...

By the have the grooviest music on your blogspot! Love it.

Kara said...

$100.. Whoa that is a lot of dinero to fork over. See, you are making my $70 fill up look like a piece of cake. How is public transportation in Calgary? (not that it would be easy to use it with 3 kids!)
You may have learned you lesson but a lot of people haven't... so I don't think it will be going back to normal. Seattle is not too far, however, so perhaps you will be receiving a visit sometime my dear!
I love your perspective... it is great to hear it like it is. I am sure that you are a changed woman (not that the old Elisa was bad.. you know what I mean).. oh and thanks for the music compliment. I love thinking up all of the random music I love. Very eclectic.

Margaret said...

I don't know Adrienne, I've meant some brutal Canadians....I kid I kid. I've actually never met a Canadian I didn't like.
Kara, we are lame that we haven't gotten together. I'll be in Utah for most of July...after that we need to figure something out.

E said...


Niki said...

this is Greg so you know I have not completly corrupted your sisters views. I agree with some of the comments in that it is time to change some habits. Living in Idaho and having to commute to work I have recently tried getting a bus route started. I was unable to get twelve people to commit to riding the bus the main reason being the inconvience to themselves. The bus pass would only be $40.00 per month. I have also found it interesting how people react to change. Our church is only 6 blocks away and we have started walking to meetings. I was walking to an early meeting and had numerous people stop and ask if I needed a ride when I said no I was just walking people wanted to know if financially we were alright because they saw our family doing a lot of walking. I do think it is an out of control industry when they have first quarter profits in the billiions and they still feel they deserve further tax cuts. I wish our government would focus less on steroids and more on subjects with a little more substance!! I will try not to comment to often on your blog Kara.

Kara said...

You just won major points for being the only brother in law to read my blog!!! That is great that you tried to commute and arrange a ride even if it didn't work . Good job Greg!