Saturday, June 21, 2008


I know that I just did a ridiculous amount of blogging tonight, and Chris doesn't understand why I don't spread it out more.. but that just wouldn't fit my personality. Either I do it all at once.. or I do nothing. Either my house gets manically cleaned all at once, or it is a little (or a lot) too cluttery! So... whether or not I post any time soon... I just had to clear my head!


Rohatinsky Family said...

Hey! I was thinking about you and I know summer time is a huge garage sale time in Portland. And I know that you're quite the amazing shopper....SOOOO...if you want to get together sometime I would LOVE to go garage sale hopping with you- I'm in need of baby things and want them cheap! Let me know if you're interested.

Tonya said...

I thought I had been keeping up with your blog, but I guess not!!! Now I feel all updated since we haven't been going on our walks quite as much, you busy girl! :) See you soon.

Katie and Bryson said...

Hi Kara...I don't know if you remember me, but it's Katie Green from many long runs in Provo!!! I've just started a blog and begun to stalk all my favorite friends from over the years to see if they are already blogging (only to find out I'm pretty much the last one to join the club). Anyway, here's our brand-new blog that is just getting started and we will have to catch up sometime :)

juliette said...

Whoa, I had some catch-up reading to do. I'm not really commenting on anything, just letting you know (in case you were worried) that I'm still reading!