Friday, August 10, 2007

Random Thought

I was just driving home from my friend E's baby shower listening to the radio and I heard an advertisement for smuckers pre-made frozen PBJ sandwiches. Come on people, aren't pbj sandwiches like the easiest thing to make in the world? I know that we live in a busy go-go-go society, but my advice: If you are so busy that you don't have time to make a PBJ sandwich, then it is time to reevaluate your schedule. Sorry, this is perhaps my most random post yet.


juliette said...

I agree that buying premade pbj's is a serious act of desperation. But, do you realize, the crusts are cut off! Who has time to cut off crusts? Don't even get me started about "lunchables."

Cami said...

I actually cut the crust off of some of my children's PB&J's. They eat more of the sandwich. Otherwise the crust is left with a whole lot of sandwich stuck to it. I agree. How hard is it to make a PB&J?

Kara said...

Thanks for sharing my passion on the topic ladies :). I agree that lunchables are gross Juliette. I definitely can't claim that I feed Sofia perfectly all of the time or that she is a perfect eater, but I am going to try my best to avoid processed foods that have 20-30 ingredients :)

Tonya said...

You crack me up! Making PB&J is one of my specialties. I'm not giving it up! I can't believe you can buy pre-made sandwiches!

Amanda Nemelka said...

You're great. And by the way...the hardwood floors look awesome. Maybe we can convince Chris to help us sometime as penance for your delayed visit? JUST KIDDING. and I will get my blog updated SOON so you can see Gigi as Cher. It's awesome.