Thursday, September 6, 2007

It could happen to you too!

We officially own our minivan now... yeah!!!! Right as you read the word "minivan," many of you are making fun of me in your minds already for owning a minivan already... but it could happen to you too. I know that some of you believe that over your dead bodies will you ever own a minivan, but I hope to someday make liars out of all of you. This purchase may have been even a little harder on the ego of my hubby at first, but since he works so close, and we don't want to waste gas, he is the one who ends up driving it a good portion of the time. I have even heard him bragging about its' "awesome" features before. Let's face the facts.. I know that I was never an overly cool person with a cool image to uphold.. but really, are any of us? I actually think that it takes a very cool person to give in to this sort of family purchase I say.

What else has been going on?? Oh, I was thrown a great surprise baby shower by Marianne and the other moms in the Live and Learn group, except it didn't end up being a surprise. Marianne had asked me a long time ago to mark that date for lunch at her house, and I had forgotten that I had set a Dr. appointment for the same time. I emailed Marianne to see if she could watch Sofia during my appointment and then we could do lunch...which was when the shower was supposed to be. Oh well. I guess I am not an easy person to surprise, but I really really did appreciate the shower ladies!

Today I am officially one month away from my due date.. holy cow this is flying by too fast. I have so many little things to do to get ready for the arrival of this little guy. Sofia is still quite the little pistol lately, but she is starting to sleep better in her bed, which is helping with her tantrums a little bit since she isn't overly tired all of the time. I am trying to psychologically prepare myself for birth and two kids, but I have decided that I will never feel completely prepared. Parenthood... what an adventure.


Anonymous said...

i love it! i too, have committed to never buying a minivan, but when our family grows (lord willing) i'm sure i'll be tempted. we rented on a while back on vacation and i couldn't get over how awesomely practical they are. seriously. the doors open and close automatically, it's SOOO easy to get the kids in and out, and the stereo systems are pretty sweet. LOVE IT! hey, are you taking some time off from the class until winter quarter? i'm so excited to meet the new becerra member. said...

I like your mini van! I only wish Mark and I could by one.:-) I can't wait for your little boy to come out!! The parties at your house will now be four times the fun!! :-)

Unknown said...

Okay, I am one of those who refuses to give in to the minivan. Rich and I actually rented one over labor day weekend and although it was very practical and roomy, I still could not see myself ever owning one. Like I tell Rich, we will own an SUV before we ever do a minivan. I definitely am not a cool person, so maybe that is why I don't want a minivan so that I can uphold the little image I do have.? Ah, who knows. Congratulations on owning and being one month away. Hopefully, your son won't come a month early like Harrison did, although I must say I am sort of glad he did since he is the first child to pass through my vagina. I am glad he was a tiny thing and not the 11 pounder we saw two days later. Ouch!

juliette said...

Ha Ha! You are funny. Minivans are COOL. Why not? I'm not gonna say what I'm not gonna do or buy in the future (except those frozen pbj's, I can commit to not buying those, oh, and also I probably won't ever buy a motorcycle.) You're going to need it anyway if you ever want to go anywhere. Kids take up so much space.

Cami said...

Welcome to the world of minivans.I love a minivan. So much easier for the kids to get into and for me to get a baby car seat in. We are on out third minivan and love the automatic doors.

Marianne said...

I will never own a minivan...but you look super cute posing next to yours!

Kara said...

Come on now... you would look even cuter posed next to my van. I'll tell you what.. the next time you come over, I will take a picture of you next to the van so you can have some time to ponder your future.. and you just might have a change of mind.