So I found this link where you take a quiz to find out which presidential candidate best fits your ideas and beliefs.. and I was surprised to find out that apparently John Edwards is my man. I am just now starting to pay a lot more attention to what's going on with the candidates and I thought that Obama was my man, but according to the test, he was one of my bottom choices.. hmmm... what's a girl to do? I would be interested to have other people take the quiz to see who it places you with.
My cousin just came over and watched hairspray with me, and it was so so cute!! I wanted to get up and start shaking it right along with the characters in the movie, but opted not to only because I was holding a sleeping baby. If any of you haven't seen that movie.. it is a must see!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My New Man
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10:27 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I am Thankful... really
I know that I kind of ended up slacking on my daily thankful blog, but I really am so thankful for so many things. We went down to Medford to see my parents for Thanksgiving and had a lovely time. Scott and Jaime came up with the kiddos and Kris and Dan came down from Eugene. Oh how Sofia loves her cousins. I swear that she was traumatized (from a two year old perspective at least) when everyone left. The whole way home she kept on substituting Connor's name into all of her songs. "Abcd Connor Connor Connor efg, or "Twinkle Twinkle Connor Connor how I wonder what you are." Cousins are so important. I didn't get to grow up around that many cousins, so I really hope that our kiddos can know their cousins well.
Something else that I thought was fun on the trip was something my sweet hubby did. On the way home we were having a little bit of car troubles, and Chris was push starting our car in a parking lot. Since he was pushing the car up a slope, you can imagine how the strain on his face could scare Sofia. Once he saw that she was scared, he automatically turned a could be stressful situation into a game flexing his muscles and telling Sofia how strong he was.. which she thought was pretty funny. Thanks for making a stressful situation fun Chris. You might get eye rolling instead of laughing if you try this when Sofia is 13, but it did the trick this time :).
I also have to include my cute Gabe smiling. He is starting to smile a lot more. What a sweetie pie.
Posted by
7:56 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Not Too Shabby (but still flabby)
I am so excited! I ran 3 miles today. Today I am thankful that I am not as out of shape as I thought that I would be. Give me a running partner whose ear I can talk off while we run, and this running thing isn't so bad. This is good timing for me to start running again.. maybe this will balance out all of the calories that I plan on taking in this holiday season?
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9:27 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Today I am grateful for time with my familia. I love my little family. I am also grateful that Chris and I agreed on a movie to watch at Blockbuster tonight within 2 minutes, because we usually have a hard time agreeing on a movie we both want to watch. Chris and I just got done watching Sicko. Everyone should see that movie. I know that a lot of people think that Michael Moore is extreme, but this movie seems like it appeals to your human side more than just being political. There are so many great things about this country, but why don't we take care of our sick? The movie wasn't even about the uninsured, but people who are insured who are still jerked around by their insurance agencies. I thought about Sofia when one mom talked about how her toddler daughter died on the ambulance ride over to a different hospital, because the hospital refused to treat her and sent her to one that was covered by her provider. I know I have mentioned that I get sentimental late at night, but I feel so sad that people here are many times refused service and end up dying because of it. If you have seen this movie, let me know what you thought about it.. and if not.. go see it and let me know what you think. I know that people like to keep blogs light and fun, but I am just wondering what other people think. OH.. the pictures of Sofia and Gabe have nothing to do with the movie, but I thought I would throw them in anyways.
Posted by
10:26 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Chunky Monkey
Today I had my postpartum appointment, and I decided to weigh Gabe just for the heck of it while I was there. He already weighs over 12 pounds! He already weighs more than Sofia weighed at 2 months, and she was always off the charts in every area. I was actually relieved that he is so big, because he often goes on strike from nursing at night when he is fussy. That breast milk must be like ice cream.
Today I am also thankful for all of my sisters. I love having so many sisters. Today I talked to Heather for a long time, and I feel so blessed that Heather and Kris live so close. We just have 2 sisters left who we need to convince to move back to Oregon :)
Posted by
7:31 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Niki Picky
Today's shout goes out to my dear sista' Niki. She lives in Idaho so I don't get to see her very much, but we talk all of the time on the phone about everything and nothing (usually about nonsense). Niki is an awesome sister and the one in the family who is known very saying lots of funny things. This last summer I witnessed her put a rude lady in her place at the aquarium who made a rude comment. That's my sister Niki, keeping it real. I am also thankful for Jamba Juice today. I am on a Jamba Juice kick.. it just hits the spot (thanks for hooking me up Tonya).
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9:03 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Good Day Sunshine
It didn't rain today and was a lovely day, so we were outside a ton today... and I am grateful for that. I am learning that with small kiddos you have to get outside if the weather is decent. I am also thankful for the chance to watch my kiddos grow. Sofia is one funny girl. She now loves singing a song in Spanish all by herself: Tortillitas para mama, Tortillitas para papa etc.. It is so cute. Not much to say today, so enjoy a break from me :)
Posted by
9:54 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
The second best investment ever: The Dryer
So yes, this is my third post of the day. You may be thinking,"Does this woman have a life?" and the answer... "Not so much." The reason I decided to post again is because after hours of either crying or just being awake, Gabe is finally asleep. Why am I not asleep you may wonder? Because he is asleep swaddled in his carseat which is on top of the dryer. I guess I have to add today that I am thankful for the sound the dryer makes, because it is the only thing that has soothed him. I am sitting here debating if I dare move him and risk waking him up. It's funny, because I just got done reading Adrienne and Tonya's blogs who also seemed to be having mama troubles. What's going on in the universe today? Feeding off of the other blogs, my question is, how do you do this parenting thing without feeling like you have no idea of what you are doing 75% of the time? I just think back to my time as a caseworker for small children who were so resilient despite having crappy parents (like the abusive kind). These kids were somehow surviving and some thriving despite very messed up parents.. so I think that my kids should hopefully be just fine even though I am far from a perfect parent. Well, my little Gaby Baby is squirming on top of the dryer, so I am off to find my next solution. Sounds like we all need a day at the spa :). (Clue for any husband reading this).
Posted by
10:55 PM
On more patient guy
One more patient guy is my hubby. Gabe has been fussy all night, and sometimes he has just the right touch to help him fall asleep (even if he does wake up 5 minutes later). I think that babies can sense when their mamas are feeling stressed and it makes it harder for them to relax. Chris is such a great dad!
Posted by
9:28 PM
One Patient Guy
Today I was reminded of an incident that makes me very grateful for a very patient brother. In college I borrowed my brother Scott's car to run some errands. As I backed out of a parking spot, I backed up with a little too much gusto and backed into a pole, denting my brothers car pretty bad. Being the forever passive aggressive soul I am (maybe a new year's resolution I could work on?), I returned the car and keys to my brother and then went home and called him and told him to go and look at the back of his car. My brother did not get mad at all.... in fact, he just thought I was a wierdo for waiting to call him to tell him. My brother is one patient and nice guy. It takes a lot to get that guy more.. apparently even more than denting his car. He is not a man of many words.. try holding a long phone conversation with him on the phone ( you would think if anyone could do it it would be me) and you may struggle but I love him. When I was pregnant with Sofia, he even went and bought me a maternity outfit and those candies that are supposed to make morning sickness go away.. that is just the kind of guy he is. Today I am also thankful for good weather. You don't realize how much you appreciate a nice day until you have a stormy windy day (where you are forced to stay inside with an energetic 2 year old all day).
Posted by
8:46 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Kara: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Today I am thankful for in-laws and a husband who stopped me from writing a mean post today. I am feeling very passionate about a certain subject right now, but after editing my post, Chris told me that it was too mean to post. So for all of you out there who may think that I am pure sweet apple pie, this apple pie is feeling sour today. I am also thankful for a husband who believes in me. Chris was scheming with me right now of how I could start my own talk show. It sounds like a funny idea and I may not be able to compete with Ellen or Oprah.. but as for Tyra and Montel, I would kick their booties. I also think it would be fun to start a children's show. Come on, if those dorky guys on the Wiggles can make millions.. why not me? Other random things I am thankful for today: clean drinking water (I don't know why I thought of that the other day), New friends and old (Amanda you are still my homegirl... I miss you), being pushed to do things that aren't "comfortable", having Sofia remind everyone to fold their arms when we pray, Gabe's coos... more tomorrow. What are you all thankful for today? (I promise after thanksgiving these posts will be less cheesy.. well I don't want to promise, because I like to be a woman of my word).
Posted by
9:04 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The good ol' In-laws
The in-laws are here, and we are having a swell old time. Sofia is in grandparent heaven this week. Naturally, I am thankful for my in-laws today. They are great. They are such good people and so welcoming to me in their family. I could not have married into a better family and p.s. Chris.. they are why I said yes in the first place :) j/k.I did have a dream that I had twins and Sharon decided that she would name them for me without my permission. She named the girl Kara Pearl and the boy Stanley Ashew (like cashew without the c). I obviously remember this dream quite well and I think I even woke up in a sweaty panic and was so relieved when I saw my little Gabriel (not Stanley) sleeping by me. I love you a lot Sharon, let's just make sure that you never decide to name my children funny names, and we will continue to get along great. Chris hates it when I tell him my dreams, because I always have the weirdest dreams, but I can't control what I dream. Any one else out there have any weird dreams lately (pg rated or under comments only please :).
Posted by
9:54 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Best Investment Ever
Here it is.. our best investment ever. It's not our house or our cars or even equipment for Chris' business.... it's a play kitchen. Sofia can now entertain herself for long periods of time using her imagination in her kitchen. She is even starting to talk a lot more as she pretends. I can also get a few more things done without her hanging on me. This is definitely something that I am grateful for today.
I walked into our room and saw Sofia reading to herself sitting in our broken bookshelf. Her favorite books right now that she has memorized are "Silly Sally" and "Quick as a Cricket."
Don't you just want to smooch those cheeks? Gabe is starting to chunk up which makes me feel so happy since I have had some worries about my milk supply. He has smiled a few times and is starting to coo. Today was not as bad of a colic day.. maybe the end is near??
Besides Sofia's play kitchen, one thing I am so thankful for today is the hard work Chris does (two jobs) to allow me to stay home with our kiddos. I went and visited a friend today (one of the Mexican moms who was in the program I ran last year) who is at work at the store their family just bought with her 2 young sons from 9 in the morning until 9 at night. She is so exhausted and even though she is with her kids, it is so hard having them at the store all day. I know that someday I will so cherish these times I am having with my kiddos right now. Many times when I talk to family members or other women whose children are grown, they get teary eyed thinking about these precious years. Even though I definitely have my nutso days.. I wouldn't trade this time for anything.
Posted by
9:05 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I have to hurry and do todays' thing I am thankful for, because Gabe is waking up. Today I am grateful for a healthy family. Gabe has been kind of colicky the last couple of weeks which has been very tiring, but a few minutes ago I was snuggling him on the couch and inhaling that baby smell. Life doesn't get sweeter than that, and that makes me not feel so overwhelmed by the fact that tomorrow he will probably still be colicky. I can handle a colicky baby, because when it comes down to it, I am blessed with a healthy family. (p.s. in case you haven't noticed, the later I make my posts.. the cheesier and more sentimental I get :).
Posted by
10:09 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
My Padres
Oh how I love Bud and Pam Olsen. My parents were here visiting for a day, and today I am feeling the love for them. They are always so helpful with kids and around the house when they come. In fact, we like leaving unfinished projects around the house on purpose, because we know that Buddy boy will go nuts and finish it for us. My dad even got Sofia ready today and put her hair in a ponytail. Not surprisingly, Sofia loves her grandparents so much. When they told her that they were leaving today, she tried going to the door and locking it so they couldn't leave. I am also feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for friends who have really stepped up to make sure I am fed :) and emotionally stable handling two kiddos. Thank you so much for all of you who keep thinking about me and showing your kindness. I am so blessed (and cheesy I have noticed the more this email goes on). I hope that I can return the favors to all of you when you need it. I know this is only my second day of doing my gratitude blog, but I feel like by thinking about the positive things in my life, even more positive things happen.. or maybe those things were happening all along, but I never noticed. Anywho.. Sofia also turned 2 today, but we celebrated on Sunday with family. I will post pictures soon.
Posted by
9:26 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Gratitude List
I have decided that in celebration of Thanksgiving coming up, I will post one thing a day that I am thankful for. This will be good for me right now as I am realizing how much I take for granted in my life. Today I am grateful for good friends. Yesterday Marianne stopped by and brought me a delicious quiche and held Gabriel for me who had not slept a wink all morning. Then Tonya and I passed those afternoon hours when you are going nutso before the hubby gets home walking and letting kiddos play at the park. I am blessed with such great friends... especially friends who are sticking with me during my postpartum craziness!! I have to add one more thing that I am grateful for.. Sesame Street. Yes, I will admit it.. I let my child watch sesame street before she was 2.. but it is one show I feel good about letting her watch. Today's Sesame Street had India Arie on it who is so so cool. What could be better than a show that kids and moms both like? I have also seen Jon Stewart, Alicia Keys and many other cool people on Sesame Street. Maybe if I am really cool one day I can be on Sesame Street. Wouldn't that be fun?
Posted by
7:39 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Well since Margaret tagged me, I am going to hurry and do this so I don't forget to. I am supposed to list 6 things/habits that people may not know about me. This is actually pretty hard for me, because I am a pretty open person who is known for doing and saying a lot of dorky things... so if these things don't surprise you, this is the best I could do.
1) I was in a pageant in high school. I know that I may not strike most people as the pageanty type, and I'm not. However, in Klamath Falls Oregon many girls take part in the Jr. Miss pageant. Not only was I in this pageant, but I also won Ms. Congeniality, which landed me a lovely $500 scholarship. Mrs. Oregon.. here I come (so just kidding).
2) I can't roll my Rs. This may not seem like such a predicament except for the fact that I speak Spanish, and my last name has two r's which should be rolled. I thought that it was funny enough that my name rhymes, and to not even be able to properly pronounce the dang thing.. oh well.
3) I have a crush on a 45-50 year old local farmer. I first heard about the charming farmer Davis when I worked at Lincoln where all of the Elementary teachers raved in the lunch room about the sweet and charming farmer who takes the kids on field trips on hay rides and even lets the kids ride on the tractor with him. I laughed at the teachers and could not understand what they were talking about.. until I met him. He really is so charming. He is so nice every time I go there, and he on more than one occasion has even given me free vegetables. (Isn't it sad the things that excite us). Don't worry everyone, my husband knows about my crush on Farmer Davis and thinks that it is funny. I am still happily married and plan on staying that way. He has become more of a joke than anything else.
4) I really would like to work for Ellen Degeneres someday. I seriously think that she is the funniest woman ever. I started to make a video to try out to be her DJ, but than I chickened out. The only problem with working for Ellen is that I would have to move to southern California (Do you see how delusional I am.. I have seriously thought this out).
5) I can't stand noses. I am not sure how I discovered this, but pretty much I can't handle if people's noses touch me. I don't mind a nose rub when I smooch my hubby or an Eskimo kiss, but somehow I discovered that if someone's nose is purposefully rubbed on me by someone.. I want to scream! Once people found this out about me of course they purposefully would try to rub their noses on me even more.
6) I am a worry wart at times. People who know me well probably aren't surprised to read this, but people who don't know me as well I think often times perceive me as being really laid back and silly. I am those things often times as well, but I am also a serious worrier and stresser outer (How many words have I made up in this post?)
Posted by
9:30 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Ghetto Superstar
So, I am basically a ghetto mom when it comes to this Halloween cutesie business (or any cutesie business at that). Some moms stay up the night before Halloween until the early morning hand sewing their daughter's kitty costume (you know who you are). Let's just say that I have a feeling that dressing my family up will make a good story every year. After some drama after having Sofia's monkey costume break (that she didn't want to wear), we pulled together an easy ladybug costume. Last night, I put Chris in charge of putting Sofia into her costume since I had to go to Tonya's to help set up our little toddler Halloween party. To my surprise, Sofia didn't show up as a ladybug, and in fact, I don't know what she showed up as. Chris said that she refused to be a ladybug, so he tried making her into a pirate.. which didn't exactly work out.. so after her gave her a mustache and unibrow, one of the moms cleverly suggested that we just call her Frida Kahlo. Isn't my little Frida cute? There are many things I may have the potential to be good at.. but a cutesie mom who creates masterpiece costumes.. not me.
Posted by
8:11 PM